The mizuna and fuyuna have really

begun to bush out and even the slow growing corn salad has begun to mature.
The elegant elephant garlic is giant! I think we may have to plant some more...
It is a great relief not to have to spend hours in the dark picking slugs off the beds and plants. The Ferrus Phosphate pellets we put down have now gone white and fuzzy (not sure why) but they seem to have done their job as I could find no hidden slugs.

clearing the front left beds which have begun to look overgrown.
The next build task is to make a compost box from pallettes, one to begin with and more to follow. Our main kitchen waste compost bin is currently host to a family of rats I think. It needs re-setting with chicken wire beneath it to keep vermin out.
I'm also on the lookout for wood to build the seed table. So far I have about half of the main structure based on the present design.
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