Saturday, November 10

Wind Power

There's been a very blustery NW wind for the last few days which has played havoc with the new skin on the Marquee. We've now begun strapping the Marquee down with 80mm wide double thickness plastic strips stretching over the top placed close to the frame spans, of which there are 7 along the whole length. The straps will be concentrated in the middle of the Marquee where the skin is loosest and most flexible.
The problem arises from the skin having not been put on with enough due care. We rushed the job having nearly killed ourselves digging the 50 metres of ditches out prior to putting the plastic sheeting on. By the time we came to tightening down and in-filling the ditches with the plastic in place we were very tired, it was getting dark and the temperature was dropping. The sheet contracts when it cools.
Ideally the skinning should be done on a hot sunny day. The plastic should be suspended above the ditch, using the weight of the in-fill soil to give the required tautness.
So it's a little frustrating have to spend time making and fitting the straps as a workaround for making the skin secure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you have been working very hard, the beds look great and the greenhouse in much better condition, hope the back ache isn't too bad....when I taught gardening I used to get people to do stretching exercises for 5 minutes before we began, especially for heavy tasks like digging, it should warm your muscles up. Hope to see you soon, Chloe