Thursday, September 25

Autumn closing in

The autumn chills are setting in. Summer plants are beginning to go to sleep. Mad rush to get the rest of the ripe tomatoes picked and given away or made into sauce for storage. Ketchup is my latest favourite to make.

Some tomato plants are now finishing. I need to start more Kabu, Japanese leaf and winter garlic using some cloves from last winter's crop.

Much to do and finding hard on my own...

Sunday, September 21

Friday, September 19

Sunny sunny

Beautiful day, 28degs in the polytunnel, happy happy tomatoes!
We have an Aubergine!! O yes, we thought it wouldn't happen but it has! (photo to follow shortly)
Today I cleared up outside:
- Emptied the couche grass bin and spread the contents on the empty ground soon to be seeded with alfalfa. The existing alfalfa bed next to it has not sprouted very well and will be seeded again.
- Refilled the couche bin with grass from the north end.
- Removed wild grasses and weeds from the surface of all blacksheet.
- Moved Butternut Squash indoors (it's still alive!) and extended the blacksheet.
- Removed infected branches from tomatoes.
- Weeded salad beds.
- Culled dead pumpkin branches and gave super-stinky mix to boost new buds.
- Weeded and cut back Courgettes.
- Prepared bed for remaining salad seedlings.

Siwan and Bodge visited for a looky around and to discuss the new field in Borth. Sounds good.

Thursday, September 18

Back to Wales

Junka is back in Japan and Chris is now tending the crops and fighting the slugs all on his own!
Things are looking ok - 20kgs of courgettes, one weighing 2.5 kgs (it's a Marrow...)
Lots of Tomatoes and plenty of bolted salad.
Nisa are begging for stuff - they've begun taking party bookings, so all those I need to get more salad on the go.
Unfortunately one whole bed of new lettuce outside has been completely destroyed by slugs - only the stems are left.
Fortunately the Cos inside are doing fine, if a little large in the leaf.
Tomorrow I will begin clearing up and crop the excess, clear the bolters, sort the weeds and plant some more salad.
I also need to start saving tomato seeds for next year. And make more sauce. And and and...