Sunday, October 28

Plot plan

Here is a layout for our gardens. At the moment we have begun laying out the beds in the top half of the outside plot. We are also working on the design for the interior of our greenhouse - the Marquee - which is in fact a polytunnel.

Suffer from Mice

Mice never got caught and kept attacking crops.
Yukina was devastated.

Sunday, October 21

Design meeting

We had a meeting inviting some friends who are keen on gardening and other sustainable issues.

The aim of the meeting is to:

a) receive advice and information in order to plan our garden.
b) make a network to share each experience.
c) make friends and have a fun through growing and eating food.
Eight people joined the meeting and we had a Japanese dinner afterwards.

Saturday, October 20

Spinatch didn't germinate

Spinach(Japanese) didn't germinate. It was probably too cold?
I planted garlic(cristo) instead in the bed.

Friday, October 19

Chocolate Mice

We tried to catch the mice in the mini-tunnel using chocolate on mousetraps. They ate the chocolate without setting the traps off. Then they ate the plants.

Am gonna get some sticky pads.

we hate meeces to pieces...

Thursday, October 18

Mice problem

We dug out couch grass in the Marquee and put it into a water barrel to drown.

In the outside bed, Yukina has been nibbled badly since we built a mini-tunnel.
Looks like it is mice who took the crops, enjoying the warm and cozy restaurant.

Wednesday, October 10

Surfers at Borth in October

Mini Tunnels

Building MiniTunnels from old sheep fence and scrap plastic.

Monday, October 8

Marquee renovation

Fixing the ends of the new Marquee skin.
The skin is not tight enough and may need to be re-dug in at a later stage.

Sunday, October 7

Skinning the Marquee

Digging the old plastic out of the ditches ready for the new skin.
Joel can be seen digging out the other side. Not that it's a race or anything...The skinning of the Marquee: An all-day job, 50 metre ditch dig 'n' fill. Hard work. Joel, Lynne, Peter, Janet, Junka & Chris. Job done.

Saturday, October 6


I put mushroom compost in bed B-1
I also made a compost trench in bed-A1 and buried kitchen waste from our house.

Friday, October 5

Sowing Seeds!

Spinach, Mizuna, Yukina, Garlic, Onions

Monday, October 1


Limed beds F1, C1 - 300g/sqm